POOLgroup GmbH
Südring 26
48282 Emsdetten
Phone: +49 (0) 2572-920 0
Fax: +49 (0) 2572-920 100
Mail: info(via)

Managing directors authorised to represent the company:
Carl Cordier
Jürgen Schürmann

Register court:
Steinfurt Local Court
Register number HRB 4513

VAT identification number according to § 27 a VAT Act:
DE 191897686

Contentwise responsible person according to § 6 MDStV:
Carl Cordier

You can find our privacy policy here.


All rights reserved. The information is the property of POOLgroup GmbH. It represents the latest information at the time of publication. Any liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information and data provided is excluded. This also applies to all other websites to which reference is made via hyperlinks. POOLgroup GmbH is also not responsible for the content of such sites.

The information on the website in no way constitutes legal assurances. POOLgroup GmbH reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information or data provided if necessary. No legal claims can be derived from the topics described here. Offers are non-binding in all parts.
POOLgroup GmbH is not liable for any direct or indirect damages arising from the use of the information or data found on this website. No rights or obligations exist between POOLgroup GmbH and the user of the website or third parties.The information on the website in no way constitutes legal assurances. POOLgroup GmbH reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information or data provided if necessary. No legal claims can be derived from the topics described here. Offers are non-binding in all parts.

The contents of POOLgroup GmbH are protected by copyright. The content may not be reproduced and/or published in whole or in part or stored in an information system without the prior written authorisation of the copyright holder.
All information or data, its use and all actions, toleration or omissions in connection with the POOLgroup GmbH website are subject exclusively to German law, to the exclusion of international law. The place of fulfilment and exclusive place of jurisdiction is Rheine.