Realise your digital and hybrid events with us as an experienced and reliable partner in one of our modern studios throughout Germany - even in your area. We advise you on everything from concept & design to the entire technical realisation and smooth streaming all over the world.

POOLgroup Studios for digital & hybrid productions of all kind

    • Professional studios near you, e.g. Emsdetten, Berlin, Stuttgart or Munich
    • Ideal for digital conferences, shows, meetings, concerts, virtual showrooms & conventions
    • Modern facilities with lounges, meeting rooms and much more.
    • Incl. direction, editing, interpreting technology
    • Experienced POOLGroup team of experts on site

POOLgroup studios for productions of all kinds in your area

Digital and hybrid event productions in our POOLgroup studios

Our experience for your project

"At POOLgroup, we rely on our motivated team of experts for digital and hybrid events, who will actively support you on site at our locations in Emsdetten, Berlin, Munich and Stuttgart - with access to the entire resources of POOLgroup nationwide. We have been successfully realising international events from start to finish since 1978. From a single source. Whether live, hybrid or digital. With heart and soul."

All locations

Studio Munich

Studio Munich offers ideal production facilities in the center of Munich – a 250 sqm studio and a 485 sqm studio with almost unlimited potential. Hair, make-up and wardrobe facilities, a self-contained kitchen and private restrooms make the studios an ideal venue for all kinds of digital and virtual streaming events, conferences, as well as film and content productions.


Studio Stuttgart

Whether you want to stream concerts, digital conferences or shows, or produce content for new product launches, our Waiblingen studio near Stuttgart offers you an ideal, flexible solution. With an overhead height of 8.5 meters and ground-level access for cars or large vehicles, the facilities feature additional rehearsal rooms and an interpreter hub. And of course, there's a highly motivated team for you on site.


XR Studio Münster

You can produce every conceivable virtual project at our POOL XR STUDIO! The XR Studio is located at our main site in Emsdetten and boasts a 270-degree green screen for all types of productions from 20 to 600 sqm. With the control room, guest lounges etc. nearby. In addition, the studio has a dedicated entrance, a spacious control room, a luxurious lounge as well as breakout rooms for conferences and meetings.


Studio Berlin

Our Studio 5.1 Berlin is perfect when you need flexible, small-scale video productions. The studio boasts professional infrastructure for live-streaming and is easily operated by just two technicians. And it's right in the heart of Berlin.


Häufige Fragen

Where are the POOLgroup studios located?

Our POOLgroup studios are located throughout Germany directly in or close to our branch offices in Emsdetten/Westphalia, Berlin Mitte, central Munich and Waiblingen, which is directly connected to Stuttgart. All of our studios are fully equipped and operated by our expert teams.

Can I rent a POOLgroup studio?

Contact us and we will advise you on which of our studios is most suitable for your project and what options you have in which studio. Depending on the production, you can hire the entire location for your project, including technical equipment and specialised staff on site. Depending on the concept, we can of course also provide you with the entire production team including director, presenters, make-up etc.

What is the advantage of realising a digital or hybrid event in a POOLgroup studio?

POOLgroup has been a reliable and professional partner for the realisation of international events since 1978. With our team of experts, we are able to realise any event - whether digital, live or hybrid - according to your needs from a single source. As a result, our studios offer you a location near you with an on-site team that can be scaled flexibly and individually using POOLgroup's own specialist staff and hardware.

Which projects are the POOLgroup studios suitable for?

Our studios are suitable for digital streaming events such as conferences, meetings, product shows, virtual trade fairs and much more. You can also produce digital and video content with us. In our XR Studio in Emsdetten, you can also produce content and streaming events in a completely virtual space using state-of-the-art 270-degree green screen technology.

How quickly can a temporary studio be built?

That depends on your wishes. Need to move quickly? We have already built a professional conference studio in an empty room in just 10 days. Of course, we are also happy to take more time to plan the perfect realisation for your planned hybrid or digital event and then implement it with you.

Do I need a studio in a third-party location, on my own premises or a POOLgroup studio?

This also depends entirely on your time frame and the type of event. If you have an unusual location in mind that suits your event, we can set up a suitable studio there. If you are planning a longer-term event, such as a series of virtual conferences, a permanently installed studio in your own buildings could be suitable. Or do you want to utilise the advantages of our own studios, such as the existing IT infrastructure, or all the equipment in-house? Your project and requirements will determine the right solution.

What does POOLgroup offer in addition to the studios for my production?

POOLgroup offers the entire service chain from consulting, conception and creation to technical planning and realisation to streaming and video production with state-of-the-art camera technology. We also offer professional participant management and customised online platforms for your digital event - tailored to your requirements.

Termin vereinbaren

Sie haben Fragen zu einem Projekt, einer technischen Umsetzung oder benötigen einen starken Partner, mit dem Sie Ihr anstehendes Event professionell planen können? Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf.

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