Zur deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft im zweiten Halbjahr 2020 wurde die POOLgroup als Generalunternehmer mit der Einrichtung eines professionellen Studios zur Durchführung von Online-Videokonferenzen und anderen virtuellen Formaten des Bundesministeriums des Innern, für Bau und Heimat im Bundeshaus in Berlin beauftragt.

Production details

In order to make professional streaming conferences possible at the Federal Ministry, we built a temporary studio in the location of the “Bundeshaus” in Berlin. Besides the streaming studio itself, we equipped another 160 sqm room with the respective interpreter technology, and in a third room we created sufficient working spaces for technical direction and content direction.

Due to a flexible construction concept of the studio, classical online conference situations as well as seated and standing round table discussions with up to 5 physical participants can be produced. Of course, we meet the regulations of distance and hygiene standards due to Covid-19.

We built four fixed installed interpreter cabins to enable simultaneous interpreting in two languages. This technology can be scaled up to 10 cabins for a 5 language-regime at any time.

POOLgroup built the entire studio facilities with over 12 disciplines in-house (e.g. audio, light, video, interpreter technologies, streaming technology, set construction and furniture) within only 10 days, ready to go-life.

Photos by: BMI Protokoll, Henning Schacht